Thursday, September 15, 2016

MA 41/2013 in OA No.512/2009

1) MA 41/2013
OA No.512/2009 Date : 23.01.2013
Shri R.R.Shetty, learned counsel for the applicant.
Shri P.J.Prasad Rao, learned counsel for the respondents.
This Misc. Application No.41/2013 has been filed in pursuance of the order passed by this Bench in OA No.512/2009 on 19.04.2011 in which four weeks' time was granted to calculate the Family Pension and arrears and make the payment. A copy of the order was received by the Respondent-Department on 26.04.2011. As against four months, more than 20 months have already passed. The Respondent-Department has already sought two extensions earlier and have now come up for the third time praying for extension for four months.
This matter of Family Pension deals with old people and the department seems to be taking a casual approach towards the settlement of Family Pension of older people. Along with the application the department has not even supplied the details of the delay that has occurred at each desk and has also not supplied any chart giving the estimated delay at all the desks through which the file may move so as to see its future.
Therefore, the MA No.41/2013 is partly allowed.
Four weeks' time is granted for issuing the necessary order of sanction of pension failing which the Joint Secretary of the Respondent-Department should personally remain present along with the affidavit giving a chart of all the desk, who may have seen the file and the time taken at each desk and with the specific proposal as to how the department propose to deal with such delays. The Joint Secretary will also submit the note explaining how the department monitors the orders issued by the CAT.
Call on 26.02.2013.
The copy of this order shall be given to both the learned counsel.

(Smt. Leena Mehendale)


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